Because It Was Just The Wrong Customer


Hi guys,

exceptionally this Monday, instead of a fashion quote we will talk about a wonderful fashion short movie. “Once Upon A Time…” by Karl Lagerfeld tells the story of Coco Chanel, at the early years of her business, when she opened her first real boutique in Deauville.

The movie starts with two women criticizing and laughing at the hats, calling them awful. Later during the day, you can see Gabrielle Chanel (impersonated by Keira Knightley) and her aunt, leaned on the display case, desperately waiting for customers.

Then later in the movie, one very stylish woman entered into the shop and bought everything.


So for this Monday, I would like to remind you that there are critics and…critics. The only ones that matter for your fashion brand are the latter, as in the ones given by your actual customers.

Stay true to your brand identity and your own voice. Don’t follow trends, advice, strategies for the sake of following them, without having tailored them to your own codes (something that Coco Chanel was very meticulous about) and ask yourself if they apply to your actual target customers.

And remember: every famous fashion designer, even Coco Chanel, once started as you do.

Happy successful week to everyone!


Photo Credit: Paulo Valdivieso – Chanel Barcelona – Creativce Commons


Who is your actual target customer? 

Find more tools to help you through your fashion business plan, with the number one FXF guide. “The Fashion Business Plan” by Bako Rambini is available on Amazon.

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Published by Printsesy Bako Rambinintsoa

Descending from a Malagasy princely family deeply involved with high-end craft, Printsesy Bako Rambinintsoa is an entrepreneur, author of "The Fashion Business Plan", blogger and founder of Fashion Cross Functional, empowering fashion brands. Bako has helped fashion designers such as Sakina M'Sa with Front de Mode Paris reinforce their fashion businesses. Her motto: "Dream. Dare. Emerge"

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